Drapeau Automatic Sprinkler Corp.
Drapeau Automatic Sprinkler Corp
Type of work
Website Design & Development

Drapeau Automatic Sprinkler Corp is a leading company that offers safety services in designing and installing fixed fire protection and detection systems. Creatrix helped design and develop the website with an updated visual identity.


To fulfill the request to focus on DASC’s family and community driven mission, we created sets of illustration that portray their work and the people they protect within their community. The illustrations also help users to distinguish the different categories of services.


The website was designed to list the services that are offered in a simple and organized layout. The clean aesthetic is kept throughout the website with photos to showcase their on-site work. For their family focused team environment, the ‘Teams’ page displays team members with childhood photos in transition to their current photos when users hover over each profile.

Portfolio image that displays the homepage
Portfolio image that displays the news page
Portfolio image that displays illustration
Portfolio image that displays illustration